The Aussie & Kiwi Film Festival (AKFF) is put on by the AKFF, z.s. association and is made possible with the help of grant assistance from the City of Prague, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of Australia in Warsaw and the Embassy of New Zealand in Berlin. We collaborate with CANZA, the Czech-Australian-New Zealand expat association in the Czech Republic and since 2016, also with The Chamber of Commerce for Australia and New Zealand in the Czech Republic – ABIE.

We are a sister organisation to the Czech and Slovak Film Festival of Australia as well as the Czech and Slovak Film Festival in Sydney.

Our festival is supported by companies whose logos can be found on this page below.


Would you like to support the Aussie & Kiwi Film Festival? BECOME A PARTNER!

  • Support AKFF financially and you’ll be able to reach your target audience in a way that works for you.
  • Who attends AKFF?
      • People with a connection to Australia and New Zealand
      • Foreigners between the ages of 10–⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠75 living in Prague (the majority are aged 30–⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠55)
      • Film lovers and professionals
      • Travellers
      • The Australian and New Zealand expat community
  • Attach your brand to a prestigious cultural event!
  • We are across the latest trends in the cultural industry.
  • We offer a solid and stable partnership.

Become a festival partner:
AKFF z. s. account number: 5830978369/0800
IBAN format: CZ93 0800 0000 0058 3097 8369

Markéta Vozková
Project & PR Manager
Phone: +420 606 623 009

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