Hello, G’day, Kia ora!
We invite you and your students to Kino Lucerna for Australian and New Zealand films. In the Czech Republic, we are the only national festival presenting films in English. We believe that contact with diverse audiovisual culture and art during childhood and adolescence stimulates creativity and the ability to express oneself culturally. We offer artworks of the highest level with an international reputation, students have the chance to meet a high standard and increase their ability to evaluate different forms of cultural expression.

Audiovisual perception of art as a progressive means of multimedia education and a tool for the cultivation of young viewers. A visit to a film projection can be an attractive addition to teaching English, biology, and history, ecology, social sciences, sociology, geography and other subjects.
Since 2020, we have been organizing screenings for primary and secondary school pupils and students in cooperation with the Lucerna Cinema in Prague. The films from the AKFF offer are in the original English version and have Czech subtitles, and we choose them in order to further analyze the topics they talk about in the lesson.
We organized film screenings Storm Boy (Australia, 2019)
For the projection, we will provide schools with teaching materials that can be used by English teachers for different language levels of students, they can also be used in different subjects in schools where the language of instruction is English.
- the material “Storm Boy Film Activity Ideas for Teachers” is a basic document with a description of activities for teachers with a marked language level
- “Wordsearch”, which the teacher prints out for the students in the necessary number
- 3 maps for the activity “Working with Facts”
- activity “Characters” chart for teachers + blank printable chart for student work
- worksheet for students for the activity “Subtitles”
- for teachers how to work with “Plot in 33 Sentences”
- “Storm Boy (ATOM) Study Guide” – a tool for native speakers (from Australian Teachers of Media)
In cooperation with the Prague Zoo, we also organized lectures on endangered species of animals and other endemics of Australia. The bear devil keeper, David Vala, first told the students about the animals that visitors can see in the crater (budgies, kangaroos, hedgehogs, rat kangaroos) until he got to the four Tasmanian devils. In addition to breeding experiences, he talked about facial cancer, which has already significantly reduced the condition of Tasmanian devils in the wild in Tasmania, and how they are trying to save them in Australia/Tasmania (breeding stations, settlement of Maria’s Island, research into the disease and development of a cure for it, enlightenment).
We are currently working on the offer of films, lectures and supplementary materials for films for schools, which we will offer at Cinema Lucerna (Vodičkova 704/36, Prague 1 –
Projection coordinator for schools: Zuzana Stiborková